My reading plan today put chapter 27 & 28 in Job next to
Psalm 46. These chapters could almost be written one right after the other because
of their similar message. They present a stark contrast between the ways of man
and the ways of God. In Job 27, he is pushing back against his friends that are
not being real friendly. While they are telling him to humble himself and
repent of the sin that he is obviously being punished for, Job still holds to
his integrity.
In all of his troubles, Job takes the time and gives us a
wonderful section about where his hope rests. He talks about people who have
their trust anywhere but in God. They have not hope of being heard when they
are in trouble. Whatever they rely upon can be taken away in an instant. The
task of holding on to these things is on him and him alone. Thus, he is always
fearful of what could ruin what he has amassed.
In chapter 28, he looks for significance in everything he
does. He is able to find and use the different minerals in the earth: gold,
silver, iron, copper. He even makes stone tools and uses them to build things.
People can go into any work but in the end, they do not find what they are
looking for.
In verse 12, Job tells of their futility by saying “But
where shall wisdom be found?” The next few verses, he tells that wisdom far
surpasses any and all jewels in value.
Then in the very last verse, he states that “Behold, the fear of the
Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.” In the end,
our significance is found in God alone. From that perspective, we can see the
world and gain a true understanding of what is going on.
Psalm 46 continues this idea by praising God as our “refuge
and strength, a very help in trouble.” Verses 10 & 11 say “Be still and
know that I am God… The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our
fortress.” In times of trouble, the godless person has no hope but the
God-fearing man has hope.
We have deep troubles in our world today. Can we look to
society to save us? Can we look to our government? Can we insulate ourselves
and pour into our jobs or our financial position to find security? Job tells us
no. All of those things will not last. Why does Job find hope in God? Because
he is a rock and a fortress. He will last. Thus, we can build our lives on him
instead of these other things that will fail us.
What is the fear of the Lord? The fear of the Lord is an
inward attitude of humble reverence towards God, in light of his
self-revelation, that results in an outward expression of Christlikeness. If we
see God correctly, it will change our lives. We will see everything differently
and we will act differently. God gives us a new way of understanding the world
around us. Will you heed God’s plea today: “Be still and know that I am God”.